About Wei Liu

Some facts about me . . .

Wei Liu

A snapshot

I'm a software engineering student of McMaster university, class of 2021. I love project-based learning and exploring new tech fields. I had experiences in web-app dev, cloud computing and full-stack dev, feel free to explore more into details in my resume!

DeltaHacks VI

Atendee 25th Jan., 2020 - 26th Jan., 2020

Worked in a group of one UI/UX designer and three developers to build an android application Pinky, an application that helps people stay accountable to their promises, while also providing an opportunity to give to other communities in need.

RBC AmpHacks

Developer 28th Sept., 2019 - 29th Sept., 2019

Worked as the developer in a cross-field team of four, a business analyst, a UI/UX designer, a developer and a data scientist, designed a web application EcoBin to help people are struggling with garbage recycling using mahcine learning.

Zhongyuan Bank

Information Technology Summer Intern July, 2019 - Aug., 2019

Developed an image information management system for the New Loan Management System using microservice in the backend, while building the frontend with VueJs.